Hi Parents,
A few reminders for this week. On Wednesday
we have school pictures, and I will have coach class
on Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. for anyone who feels
they need a little extra.
Plans for the week:
Bible-The verse this week is Psalm 119:11
I have hidden your word in my
heart that I might not sin against you.
Reading-We are reading "Mrs. Brown Went
to Town" on pages 68-89.
Language-Completing Unit 1 on sentences,
we wil have a test on Unit 1 Friday.
Spelling-Lesson 3 on pages 30-35.
Math-Pages 29-38, review of addition and
subtraction facts.
Science-Review of Chapter 1 on Living and
Non-Living things. We will
have a test on this Thursday.
Social Studies-Pages 14-35 on communities.
Reminder:Next Monday September 5th will be
a holiday. Enjoy!
In Him Margaret Pippin