Hi Parents,
We had a good week. We were busy studying
Chinatown, which we were reading about in our
reading book as we read about different neighborhoods
and communities. We also spent time on animals
reviewing for our test!
Please check your child's folder Monday for the
website to IXL math. It is a good site for practicing
math skills at home. We will also be using it some at
We are looking forward to our field trip Tuesday
to the Archives and History Building downtown.
Plans for Nov. 7th-11th
Bible-Memory work is Psalm 100:1-5, it
is due Nov. 18th. Look for a handout
in Monday folders.
Reading-Pages 297-323 "A Trip to the Firehouse"
Language-Continue writing a story and verbs
on pages 163-169.
Spelling-Lesson 13 on pages 90-95, words with
long "a" spelled ai or ay.
Math-Pages 199-206 on regrouping with subtraction.
Science-Living Things in Their Environments on
pages 148-165.
Social Studies-We will do a study on Indians this week.
Reminder-We will out of school on Friday to honor our
Have a great weekend!
In Him,
Margaret Pippin