Hi Parents,
We have had a good week! I can't believe how
fast our year is coming to an end. The children are
working hard and have done a great job this spring!
The plans for the upcoming week:
Bible-Memory verse for this week is John 6:35,
"Then Jesus declared," I am the bread of
life. He who comes to me will never
go hungry,and he who believes in me
will never be thirsty." This will be due
Friday April 20th.
Reading-We will read "Moses Goes to a Concert"
on pages 391-423.
Language-We are going to be practicing some writing
skills this week.
Spelling-Lesson 32 on pages 204-209, more
words with "ed" and "ing" endings.
Math-Continue with fractions on pages 357-364.
Science-We will begin a chapter on Matter,
pages 358-367.
Social Studies-Pages 214-233 on colonies and our
growing country.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
In Him,
Margaret Pippin