Hi Parents,
We have had a good week and hopefully learned
lots of new things! The children are looking forward
to our field trip next week to Davis theater to see
the play "Henry and Mudge."
Plans for next week:
Bible- We will continue with Galatians
5:22-23 and do some activities
with the Fruits of the Spirit.
Reading-We will study biographies this
week on pages 135-152.
Language-Continue and finish up
adjectives and we will have
the unit test on Friday.
Unit 7 covers pages 239-254.
Spelling-Lesson 23 on pages 150-155,
words that have the vowel sound
you hear in cow.
Math-We will continue with money on
pages 109-120.
Science-We will be finishing up our
Space unit and doing some
activities with this.
Social Studies-Introduce and begin
Unit 4 "Our Country Today,"
pages 148-159.
Reminder-We will be going on our field trip
Wednesday to the Davis Theater. We plan to
leave around 9:10 and return about 11:15. We
will sack lunches in our room provided by Sage.
Have a safe and restful weekend!
In Him,
Margaret PIppin