Hi Parents,
Another good week as they begin a countdown to the
end of school! They are ready for summer!
Plans for next week:
Bible-The memory work for this week
is Matthew 28:19 & 20. It will be
due Friday May 4th.
Reading-We will be reading "The School
Mural" on pages 430-453.
Language-We are going to be reviewing nouns
and verbs this week.
Spelling-Lesson 33, words ending with sound
at the end of happy, on pages 210-215.
Math-Pages 251-252 on shapes.
Science-Continue with Matter.
Social Studies-Completing and reviewing Unit 5
with a test on Thursday.
Reminder: Their Dress-Up book reports are next Friday. They need to
come to school dressed like their character and bring their uniform
to change into.
Have a great weekend!
In Him,
Margaret Pippin