Hi Parents,
We have had a nice short week and enjoyed our
field trip to the Archives and History Building. The
children really liked the hands-on activities. They also
enjoyed reading about fire stations and firefighters
in our reading books. The following are our plans
for next week:
Bible-Psalm 100:1-5 is due Friday, Nov. 18th.
Reading-We will finish up our Firehouse
story and read "Big Bushy Mustache"
on pages 324-356.
Language-We are working on verbs on
pages 165-173.
Spelling-Lesson 14 on pages 96-101,
more long "e" words.
Math-Pages 207-220 continue 2-digit subtraction.
Science-Pages 150-167 on habitats and environments.
Social Studies-Finishing up Unit 2 and reviewing
for test on Friday, Nov.18th.
Reminder: We will be out of school November 21st-25th
for Thanksgiving Holidays.
Have a restful and blessed long weekend!
In Him
Margaret Pippin