Hi Parents,
We just returned from seeing Eric Lutwin and
he was very good! The children really enjoyed
hearing him. He combined reading with alot of
music and it was so entertaining!
Plans for the next week:
Bible-Memory work for this week
is John 10:11 due Friday March 23rd.
"I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down his life for
the sheep."
Reading-Pages 316-342, The Cool Crazy
Crickets, a short chapter book.
Language-Pages 320-325 and then
329-339 on reviewing unit 9.
We will have a test on unit 9
on Thursday.
Spelling-Lesson 28, words ending with "er"
on pages 186-187. We will have
the Spelling test on Thursday due
to Science Fest on Friday.
Math-Pages 327-332 on order of numbers.
Science-Continue with weather.
Social Studies-Pages 202-213, our country
long ago.
Reminder:Friday March 23rd is Science Fest and we will
dismiss at 11:30. Lunch will not be served on Friday.
Spring Break is March 26th-30th.
Have a great weekend!
In Him,
Margaret Pippin