Hi Parents,
We just landed in Spain and we had a very
smooth flight! We have launched our month
long study of Spain. I was glad to see my
class return all safe and sound from the
holidays! I hope you all had a nice break.
Next Tuesday the 10th we have a Fathers
field trip to the Planetarium. We need to
leave Trinity by 9:00 and we should be
back by 11:00. Just let your child know
if you can come. Mothers, grandfathers, etc.
are always welcome also.
Following are plans for next week:
Bible-Jeremiah 29:11 is due Friday the 13th.
Reading-We will read "Officer Buckle and
Gloria" on pages 16-51.
Language-We will finish up writing instructions
and write an instructional paragraph.
Spelling-Lesson 19 on pages 126-131,words
ending with "s" or "es". The test
and dictation will be on Friday now
every week.
Math-Pages 391-402 subtraction with 3-digit
Science-Pages 312-327 on the solar system.
Social Studies-Pages 116-129 on community
Reminders; Field trip on Tuesday and looking ahead to
Jan. 16th, we have a holiday that Monday.
Have a great weekend!
In Him,
Margaret PIppin