Hi Parents,
We have had a fun week. I think the children really
enjoyed the Planetarium! They have worked hard
and are enjoying our Space unit.They are also
looking forward to their day off on Monday!
Plans for next week:
Bible-Memory work this week is
John 3:16 "For God so loved the
world that he gave his one
and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life."
This will be due Friday Jan. 20th.
Reading-Pages 58-83, we will read a
non-fiction story called "Ant."
Language-We will begin Unit 7 on
adjectives, pages 239-246.
Spelling-Lesson 20, words with sounds
of "c" and "g" on pages 132-137.
Math-Pages 399-400 more on adding and
subtracting 3-digit numbers.
Science-Pages 320-330, day and night and
phases of the moon.
Social Studies-Pages 134-139 trading goods and
Reminder: No school on Monday in celebration of
MLK day. Have a safe and restful weekend!
In Him,
Margret Pippin